Wills and Estate Law

Wills and Estate Lawyers in Sydney

It is important to have estate planning documents in place, including your Will, for peace of mind and the security of loved ones. Many uncertainties, family legal disputes and legal costs can be avoided if a valid Will exists at the time a person passes away. Preparation of a Will should not be postponed until a person gets older or less healthy.

A Will should not be a DIY using the internet – we do not recommend you take this option, even if your will is simple.

Boyarkina Lawyers

Wills and Testamentary Dispositions

We have over 13 years of experience in wills and estate matters in which we often worked for clients in Australia or located internationally who had large assets in Australia.

We prepare and give advice on wills both simple and complex, including testamentary trusts for clients with any asset pool.

Boyarkina Lawyers

Powers of Attorney and Appointments of Enduring Guardian

We also prepare and advise on various powers of attorney and appointment of enduring guardian documents for use in Australia. Such documents are important to have in place for management of your legal, financial, health, medical and other affairs in the event you are, for example, away or unwell or lack capacity.

Such documents follow strict laws and regulations and must be prepared by an experienced lawyer.

Boyarkina Lawyers

Probates of Wills, Letters of Administration and Advice on Estates

If a person passes away leaving a valid will, we prepare applications for probate and apply to the Supreme Court for grant of probate in Australia.

If a person died intestate (without leaving a will), we prepare and apply to the Supreme Court for letters of administration for a next of kin of the deceased to be appointed to administer estate according to the law.

We legally assist with administration of the deceased estate and its distribution after grant of probate or letters of administration and attend to any legal issues along the way.

We provide legal advice on various matters of a deceased estate.

Probates and letters of administration are often complex areas of law with many rules and procedures which require the assistance of an experienced lawyer. We have many years of experience in probate and deceased estate matters in Australia, often involving complex and sometimes insolvent deceased estates with assets located in Australia and overseas.