Boyarkina Lawyers

Guide to Appointment of Enduring Guardian

On these pages, we provide general Guides for reference of our clients and members of public who may be interested in common themes and procedures in law. We will endeavour to publish here progressively our Guides on various areas of law and interest to our clients as soon as we issue them.

Guides are not substitute to and do not constitute legal advice. Please call or email us if you need professional legal advice or have questions in relation to your circumstances.

Boyarkina Lawyers

Do You have Appointment of Enduring Guardian?

There are people who do not know about Appointment of Enduring Guardian document, and why it may be necessary.   They often learn about it at a later stage of their life when they are advised by medical practitioners to urgently prepare it.  This is often not the best approach!

Others often mistakenly think that a power of attorney they made before already includes enduring guardianship.   This is not the case for NSW. 

It is proper and right to prepare Appointment of Enduring Guardian well before you get very old or sick. 

Our Guide “Do You have Appointment of Enduring Guardian?” explains what this document is and addresses the most common questions people often ask us.   We believe this Guide is helpful to you and your close ones.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to prepare Appointment of Enduring Guardian, or if you have any questions in relation to enduring guardianship.  

Please feel free to forward this Guide to people you know who are or may be interest in the subject

Guide to – Appointment of Enduring Guardian?(English)

Natalya Boyarkina

У Вас есть Appointment of Enduring Guardian?

Вы знаете о документе, именуемом Appointment of Enduring Guardian, и почему он может быть необходим? Часто люди узнают о таком документе на закате их жизни, когда доктора им советуют срочно составить такой документ. Зачастую такой подход не лучший.

Другие часто ошибочно думают, что доверенность (power of attorney) уже включает в себя appointment of enduring guardian. Это не так для штата Новый Южный Уэльс.

Правильным будет составить Appointment of Enduring Guardian до достижения очень пожилого возраста или приобретения какого-либо серьезного заболевания.

Наша Памятка «У Вас есть Appointment of Enduring Guardian?» объясняет о чем этот документ, и содержит ответы на наиболее часто задаваемые нам вопросы. Уверены, Вы и ваши близкие найдете Памятку полезной.

Вы можете обратиться к нам, если желаете составить Appointment of Enduring Guardian, или если у вас есть вопросы.

Вы также можете переслать Памятку людям, интересующимся этой темой.

Guide to – Appointment of Enduring Guardian? (Russian)